Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Josselin Gauthier, Christine Guillemot, Laurent Guillo, Olivier Le Meur.

  • Title  : Perceptual coding for 2D and 3D images.

  • Research axis : §  6.1.2 6.1.3 .

  • Partners : IRCCYN-Polytech Nantes, INSA-Rennes, Telecom Paris Tech.

  • Funding : ANR.

  • Period : 10/2009-09/2012

The objective of the project is to develop perceptually driven coding solutions for mono-view and multi-view video. TEMICS contributes on different problems relevant for mono-view and multi-view video coding: visual attention modeling (see Section 6.1.3 ), on texture synthesis and inpainting for both 2D and 3D content. Several methods for 2D image inpainting and 2D/3D inpainting to handle disocclusions in virtual view synthesis have been developed (see Sections 6.1.2 . A computational model for 3D content has also been studied (see Section 6.1.3 )


Participant : Jean-Jacques Fuchs.

The RNRT project TCHATER (Terminal Coherent Hétérodyne Adaptatif TEmps Reel) whose coordinator is Alcatel has started in January 2008. Its aim is to fully implement coherent detection in an optical fibers transmission systems, with among others the real time implementation on dedicated FPGAs. TEMICS has collaborated with ASPI on the design of solutions to adapt the extremely high channel rate, 4 ADC (analog-to-digital converters) and to accommodate the FPGA to the output rate, as well as temporal multiplexing of order 40. The project ended successfully in June 2011 with an operational prototype consisting in 4 analog-to-digital converters followed by 4 (Stratix IV) FPGAs implementing in real time the Chromatic Dispersion annihilating filters, the Constant Modulus Algorithm thau equalizes the channel, the Carrier Frequency Estimators and the Carrier Phase Estimators.


Participants : Mounira Ebdelli, Christine Guillemot, Laurent Guillo, Aline Roumy.

  • Title  : Adaptable, Robust, Streaming SOlutions.


  • Funding : ANR.

  • Period : 06/2010-11/2013

The ARSSO project focuses on multimedia content communication systems, characterized by more or less strict real-time communication constraints, within highly heterogeneous networks, and toward terminals potentially heterogeneous too. It follows that the transmission quality can largely differ in time and space. The solutions considered by the ARSSO project must therefore integrate robustness and dynamic adaptation mechanisms to cope with these features. The overall goal is to provide new algorithms, develop new streaming solutions and study their performances. TEMICS contributes on the development and improvement of scalable video coding techniques and components to make the video codec robust to losses. More specifically loss concealments methods will be developed.